Swimmers and Parent Info
We NEED Your Help!
Volunteers run our swim team!!!
Home meets require a minimum of 40 volunteers from our team. Away meets require a minimum of 20 volunteers from our team.
There are many ways that parents must help. Many parents get their feet wet (literally!) as timers. Direction is given, and it’s the best way to see the action.
As a team, we need to provide as much cross-training as possible so that our team has flexibility in filling positions and retains the knowledge base, especially when “experienced” parents move on as their swimmers age out.
There are a variety of volunteer positions available. Examples include: Starter, Stroke/Turn Officials, Runner, Set-up/Take Down, Food Preparation, Parent Helper’s, Timers, Scorers, Concession Stand and Data Entry.
Other Helpful Information
Parents please convey to your swimmer that we represent Loyalsock as we travel to other pools.
Before leaving a meet, check with a coach as your swimmer may be in a relay. Police your area for trash and equipment. Parents at a home meet; your assistance is needed as we have to tear down the entire pool, concession area, chairs, etc. We need your help; we are a clean team!
Personal Best Times – win or lose, swimming a personal best is the goal.
Sharpie coloring of teammates - Small slogans, a small shark, a small anchor or a small animal are quite appropriate. Coloring ones’ entire skin surface is unsportsmanlike and shows disrespect to the other team.