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Your Swimmer Needs Your Help!

Listed below is a brief description of the volunteer positions that need to be filled for every meet. None of the jobs are especially difficult and simple training is provided as needed; however, some of the positions do require attending special training sessions and some positions are better suited for our more experienced swim parents (ready bench and head timer for example). If you are brand new to the summer swim league, the jobs of timer, runner, set up, take down, pit parent and concessions are good places to start.

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Set Up

Sets up the pool area for the swim meet. Installs starting blocks, lane lines, flags, sets up canopies, announcer stand, scoring table and removes pool ladders. This position requires arriving at least 2 hours prior to home meets.  

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Sells concessions. Helps set up and tear down concession stand. 

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Tent Parent

Supervises the waiting area for a particular age group during meets, marks arms of swimmers with event/heat/lane, distributes event cards for relays, keeps track of swimmers - as best as they reasonably can - between events, and gets swimmers to the ready bench on time with caps and goggles. For most age groups, several parents will share this job. This position is obviously more important for the younger swimmers, and the pit parents for the youngest ages (6 & under and 7-8) are especially critical to the timely start of the meet. This job keeps you with your swimmer during the whole meet.

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Announces first, second and final calls for each event. Works closely with the starter to keep the meet running smoothly. The announcer will need to anticipate flow based on the number of swimmers, the stroke, the number of lengths to be swum, and the age of the swimmers. Training is required for this position.

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Presides over the meet to see that the meet runs on time, and is fair and safe for all swimmers. It is the responsibility of the Meet Referee to stop a meet due to hazardous weather conditions. The Meet Referee holds meetings for coaches and officials at the beginning of each meet to answer any questions and make necessary clarifications of rules and procedures. The Meet Referee clears the pool at the start of each race by blowing a whistle. Must also sign all swimmer disqualification forms before they are sent to the Scorer’s Table.  This individual must have completed the officials trained for this position and have at least 1 year experience as an official.

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Starts each event with the announcement of the age and stroke and the words "SWIMMERS TAKE YOUR MARK", pauses to make sure that all swimmers are motionless, and then gives an electronic sound or a blast of a whistle. He/She shall be the sole judge of FALSE STARTS and all false starts shall be restarted. This individual must have completed the officials trained for this position and have at least 1 year experince as an official.

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Stroke and Turn Judge

Recognize, disqualify, and notify the starter/head official when illegal strokes or turns have been made. Two are needed per meet from each team.  This is another volunteer job that has the best view of all the swimmers!  Completion of the Officials Training is required.

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Head Timer

Organizes and briefs the Lane Timers on their duties prior to the meet and is in charge of the lane timers throughout the meet. The head timer has the authority to remove and replace any lane timer, with the approval of the home meet director. Previous experience as a lane timer is required for this position.

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Lane Timer

Records the swimmer’s time. Each timer is provided a stopwatch and assigned a lane; there are three timers for each lane. All three times are recorded and the middle time becomes the official time. Timers are assigned to work for one half of the meet. This job gives you the best view of the pool and the swimmers during their races.

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Responsible for obtaining the completed event cards and DQ forms for each race from the timers and officials. The cards and DQ forms are delivered to the scoring table. The job title is very descriptive. Runners should have good tennis shoes that work well on slippery wet surfaces. This job keeps you moving around at the poolside and the time passes quickly.

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Score Table

Responsible for entering data from time cards and verifying data entered.  With this job, you see the race results before anyone else

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Take Down

During the last few minutes of a meet the crew begins taking down and storing items in preparation for vacating the pool immediately after the meet.  This includes taking down canopies, removing lane lines, starting blocks and flags, putting pool ladders back in, and returning items to the shed.

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