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Registration Form

Each swimmer MUST be able to swim the length of the pool (25 meters) unassisted. Previous swimming lessons are helpful.

Parents are expected to attend a scheduled parent meeting.

Parents are expected to volunteer to help make our summer swim team successful. Parents/Guardians will help at swim meets (concession, pit parent, timers, officials, scorer, runner, set up or clean up).

Families are required to make a concession donation for each home meet. A sign up sheet will be available on swimtopia.

All swimmers are required to have a one piece suit for girls, trunks or jammers for boys.

Required practice/meet equipment should includes a suit, towel, swim cap, goggles and a water bottle.

The team offers a team suit and a team swim cap but it is not required to be purchased. 

Parents / Guardians
  • New accounts will be sent an email confirmation message with instructions to set up a password.
  • At least one parent/guardian is required to volunteer.
  • Previously registered parents/guardians cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Parent / Guardian Information

Parent / Guardian Information

+ Add a parent / guardian to this registration
  • Previously registered athletes cannot be edited during registration. Please contact your team's admin to request edits.

Athlete Information

+ Add an Athlete to this registration
Home Address
Loyalsock Pool Membership

Do you have a Loyalsock Pool Membership this summer? *

Non Loyalsock Pool Members

Non Loyalsock Pool Members will be charged an additional $15 fee per swimmer.  

Release and Acknowledgement

In consideration of the above-named swimmer being permitted to participate in activities sponsored by the Township of Loyalsock and/or its Recreation Board, I am aware and agree to the following:

That such activities can result in injury to body or property

That this swimmer is medically able, equipped, and properly trained to participate in such activities

That I shall abide by the decision of any official or representative of Loyalsock Township and/or its Recreation Board relating to this swimmer’s ability to safely participate in such activities

That this swimmer shall abide by all rules/regulations for the activities in which he/she is participating

That I am assuming all responsibility and risks associated with such activities, including but not limited to falls, contact with other participants, weather, natural and man-made conditions, and all other hazards encountered while participating, spectating, and/or traveling to/from such activities

That by signing this document, I AM RELEASING, WAIVING, DISHCARGING AND/OR COVENANTING NOT TO SUE the Township of Loyalsock and/or its Recreation Board

That I have read this Release and Acknowledgement, I understand its terms, I have voluntarily signed this document, and that no oral representations, statements, or other inducements have been made to me other than those contained in this written document

I hereby agree to indemnify and save and hold harmless Loyalsock Township and/or its Recreation Board from any loss, liability, damage, or cost that may occur due to the presence of the above named swimmer on, or in using the property of Loyalsock Township and/or its Recreation Board, or in any way competing, officiating, observing, or working for, or for any purpose participating in the event and whether caused by the negligence of Loyalsock Township and/or its Recreation Board or otherwise.

All fees are non refundable. Coaches have the discretion to send swimmers to lessons if their skill base is not swim team functional.

Enter your initials to indicate acceptance: *
Code of Conduct/Expectations

Swimmers are expected to follow rules and regulations of Loyalsock Community Pool and competition pools.

Swimmers are expected to be prompt for all practices and meets. Contact the coach if you cannot attend.

Swimmers must treat their peers, coaches, and opponents with respect and should always promote good sportsmanship. Misbehavior may be grounds for dismissal from the team.

Swimmers must sign up for meets at least 3 days prior to the date of the meet.


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